- Think he sold me my first car a Toyota way back in the day when they first came to Georgetown....
- me too ..bought my 1st car from him 79 Mustang
- Walt Dixon, quite the guy. Smooth and friendly, always with a smile.
- What can I say, it’s Walt 👍
- Walt you and I have an agreement. Lol
- 😍Awesome fella, he’s our “W” uber, making sure us gals get home safe❣️🌹
- Walt Dixon and his princess Deborah. King and Queen of Limehouse ❤️
- Hello King & Queen!!! Have A Great Day!!!!
- Lived around the corner from me in the Glen really nice family
- Great guy
- Very nice Guy always had a friendly smile 😃
- Very nice guy that comes from a wonderful Glen Williams Family .....
- Hi Walt.
- Not much of a hockey player had to stick up for him all the time lol
- Good man
- I remember him from high school. I think he was a grade ahead of me.
- Good to see you Walt
- Met Walt back in the good old days......Walt, Frank and Dave......
- Hello Walter , knew him from when he was our paper boy in THE GLEN,now folks that was a day or two ago, we left THE GLEN in 1960 , I always thought Walt was a great guy , n a friend , was quite the drag racer in his younger days as well, all the very best to you Walter .....
- Great guy. Known Walt for years.Always a smile!
- Nice guy.
- Really nice guy. Played baseball on Park Lincoln with Walt
- Great man and a great sponsor of our Sunday morning ball team for years thank you Mr Dixon
- Did he used to own a car lot on number 7 hwy. Top of 22 side rd.
- Yes, he did.
- he was a drag racer. Got to be the same Walt.
- He was one of the guys that saved my brother from Drowning in the Glen ,in the 50s
- We dated briefly and I remember is white chevy 2 that he would take to the drags. Our fathers were friends. My best friend married his brother Wayne. These memories are amazing. I moved away from Georgetown and missed my friends growing up.
- I bought my first car from Walt 1963 Pontiac parisene in 1967
- me too ..bought my 1st car from him 79 Mustang
- Walt Dixon, quite the guy. Smooth and friendly, always with a smile.
- What can I say, it’s Walt 👍
- Walt you and I have an agreement. Lol
- 😍Awesome fella, he’s our “W” uber, making sure us gals get home safe❣️🌹
- Walt Dixon and his princess Deborah. King and Queen of Limehouse ❤️
- Hello King & Queen!!! Have A Great Day!!!!
- Lived around the corner from me in the Glen really nice family
- Great guy
- Very nice Guy always had a friendly smile 😃
- Very nice guy that comes from a wonderful Glen Williams Family .....
- Hi Walt.
- Not much of a hockey player had to stick up for him all the time lol
- Good man
- I remember him from high school. I think he was a grade ahead of me.
- Good to see you Walt
- Met Walt back in the good old days......Walt, Frank and Dave......
- Hello Walter , knew him from when he was our paper boy in THE GLEN,now folks that was a day or two ago, we left THE GLEN in 1960 , I always thought Walt was a great guy , n a friend , was quite the drag racer in his younger days as well, all the very best to you Walter .....
- Great guy. Known Walt for years.Always a smile!
- Nice guy.
- Really nice guy. Played baseball on Park Lincoln with Walt
- Great man and a great sponsor of our Sunday morning ball team for years thank you Mr Dixon
- Did he used to own a car lot on number 7 hwy. Top of 22 side rd.
- Yes, he did.
- he was a drag racer. Got to be the same Walt.
- He was one of the guys that saved my brother from Drowning in the Glen ,in the 50s
- We dated briefly and I remember is white chevy 2 that he would take to the drags. Our fathers were friends. My best friend married his brother Wayne. These memories are amazing. I moved away from Georgetown and missed my friends growing up.
- I bought my first car from Walt 1963 Pontiac parisene in 1967