The Bear - 2023
May 18th 2023
A bear that was spotted in town throughout the day and later climbed a tree in a Georgetown neighbourhood was safely tranquilized and transported out of town Thursday night.
The bear was sighted at Georgetown District High School around 6 a.m. Thursday. There were multiple sightings throughout the day with the bear moving south. Around 6:30 p.m. the bear was again spotted again in Georgetown South and climbed a tree near the corner of Barber Drive and McKinnon Avenue.
Halton Police responded to the area to ensure the safety of pedestrians and the bear. The Ministry of Natural Resources was called and members of the National Wildlife Centre arrived on the scene.
The bear, which was 15-20 feet up a tree, was tranquilized. The bear eventually fell from the tree and was caught by approximately eight police officers and NWC staff holding a tarp. Around 9 p.m., the bear was placed in a trailer to be transported out of the area.
A bear that was spotted in town throughout the day and later climbed a tree in a Georgetown neighbourhood was safely tranquilized and transported out of town Thursday night.
The bear was sighted at Georgetown District High School around 6 a.m. Thursday. There were multiple sightings throughout the day with the bear moving south. Around 6:30 p.m. the bear was again spotted again in Georgetown South and climbed a tree near the corner of Barber Drive and McKinnon Avenue.
Halton Police responded to the area to ensure the safety of pedestrians and the bear. The Ministry of Natural Resources was called and members of the National Wildlife Centre arrived on the scene.
The bear, which was 15-20 feet up a tree, was tranquilized. The bear eventually fell from the tree and was caught by approximately eight police officers and NWC staff holding a tarp. Around 9 p.m., the bear was placed in a trailer to be transported out of the area.
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