-Very good man
- He was the Mayor of Georgetown at one time too l believe!
- 1955 Bandleader of the Modernairs at the Rose Room above old arena.
- really, I had no idea. Cool
- Wonderful gentleman - sold us our insurance policies on the boys when they were born.....always have dealt with the family for Insurance purposes.
- What a wonderful man he was, there are just no words to describe him adequately. My mother worked for him for years and thought the world of him. He was also our neighbour and I will always remember how kind both he and wife Edna were.
- I remember Mr Armstrong doing readings at St. George's Church I worked with Mona and Armstrong Insurance for little over 25 years, but he had passed away before I started working there.
-He was my parents and my insurance man
- My family home on Orchard blvd backed on to the Armstrong's yard. I can remember Mr. Armstrong playing his trumpet out the upstairs bathroom window, likely so he would not drive the rest of the family crazy. Nice man, never remember him not wearing a dress shirt and tie.
-One of Georgetown’s finest citizens. A great mayor for many years. He owned and operated Armstrong Insurance Company. He ran the company with honesty and integrity. Paul and his wife Janet have successfully taken over the business and have continue to to serve Georgetown with the ethics of his late father. Definitely one of the best...
-my sister and I now represent the third generation and our daughters have also joined the firm. Thank you for your kind words.
-Armstrong’s is definitely in good hands for many more years. Mandy, your grandfather would be proud of the entire family...
- I’m still a client
- Nice family, he was one of my brother and my newspaper delivery for many years when we were kids.
- Yes he was. And a good one
-Parkview neighbour and insurance buddy of Dad's. I remember he and Edna fondly. She always gave me a large order when I sold Regal Cards as a teen. Dad started me in the selling business early!
- Mr. Armstrong was a wonderful gentleman and former mayor of Georgetown. I remember him fondly as having a great personality and smile. The whole Armstrong family were outstanding citizens.
- I believe Mike and Paul Armstrong were twins. My brother Bob Carey went to school with them.
-the twins just celebrated their 80th birthday in July. 😁
- wow that brought memories for me
- Good man.
-They use to live on Ontario St up the street from where I lived many years ago great family
-Great man and great family!
- Living on Ontario St. With John , Edna and family was a real joy.
-Looking back we sure had alot of great people in our lives. Surrounded by some amazing example setters, honest, trust worthy
- Great to see great relatives in good spots Was the mayor at one time
- John T Armstrong one of the finest men you will ever know, a pillar in this community and his family still carries on the fine tradition.He was one of the reasons that Georgetown is a great community have outstanding folks like him to build it :)
- I’ll never forget the night Walker got the emergency call about an accident, having no idea it was Peter. Don’t think they ever quite got over it. So sad.
-My grandparents (Willetts) lived on Ontario St as well, just 1 or 2 houses up from Armstrongs. Apparently they were one of the first ones to have a telephone and when my Dad was stationed at Camp Borden before he went overseas, he would call home via the Armstrongs phone and Mike or Paul would be sent up to get Mom.
- they had to have a phone because Grandpa ran the original insurance agency from home before he moved to Main Street. I still have a book of matches with the original phone number. 😃
- That’s my son’s great grandfather.
- He was the Mayor of Georgetown at one time too l believe!
- 1955 Bandleader of the Modernairs at the Rose Room above old arena.
- really, I had no idea. Cool
- Wonderful gentleman - sold us our insurance policies on the boys when they were born.....always have dealt with the family for Insurance purposes.
- What a wonderful man he was, there are just no words to describe him adequately. My mother worked for him for years and thought the world of him. He was also our neighbour and I will always remember how kind both he and wife Edna were.
- I remember Mr Armstrong doing readings at St. George's Church I worked with Mona and Armstrong Insurance for little over 25 years, but he had passed away before I started working there.
-He was my parents and my insurance man
- My family home on Orchard blvd backed on to the Armstrong's yard. I can remember Mr. Armstrong playing his trumpet out the upstairs bathroom window, likely so he would not drive the rest of the family crazy. Nice man, never remember him not wearing a dress shirt and tie.
-One of Georgetown’s finest citizens. A great mayor for many years. He owned and operated Armstrong Insurance Company. He ran the company with honesty and integrity. Paul and his wife Janet have successfully taken over the business and have continue to to serve Georgetown with the ethics of his late father. Definitely one of the best...
-my sister and I now represent the third generation and our daughters have also joined the firm. Thank you for your kind words.
-Armstrong’s is definitely in good hands for many more years. Mandy, your grandfather would be proud of the entire family...
- I’m still a client
- Nice family, he was one of my brother and my newspaper delivery for many years when we were kids.
- Yes he was. And a good one
-Parkview neighbour and insurance buddy of Dad's. I remember he and Edna fondly. She always gave me a large order when I sold Regal Cards as a teen. Dad started me in the selling business early!
- Mr. Armstrong was a wonderful gentleman and former mayor of Georgetown. I remember him fondly as having a great personality and smile. The whole Armstrong family were outstanding citizens.
- I believe Mike and Paul Armstrong were twins. My brother Bob Carey went to school with them.
-the twins just celebrated their 80th birthday in July. 😁
- wow that brought memories for me
- Good man.
-They use to live on Ontario St up the street from where I lived many years ago great family
-Great man and great family!
- Living on Ontario St. With John , Edna and family was a real joy.
-Looking back we sure had alot of great people in our lives. Surrounded by some amazing example setters, honest, trust worthy
- Great to see great relatives in good spots Was the mayor at one time
- John T Armstrong one of the finest men you will ever know, a pillar in this community and his family still carries on the fine tradition.He was one of the reasons that Georgetown is a great community have outstanding folks like him to build it :)
- I’ll never forget the night Walker got the emergency call about an accident, having no idea it was Peter. Don’t think they ever quite got over it. So sad.
-My grandparents (Willetts) lived on Ontario St as well, just 1 or 2 houses up from Armstrongs. Apparently they were one of the first ones to have a telephone and when my Dad was stationed at Camp Borden before he went overseas, he would call home via the Armstrongs phone and Mike or Paul would be sent up to get Mom.
- they had to have a phone because Grandpa ran the original insurance agency from home before he moved to Main Street. I still have a book of matches with the original phone number. 😃
- That’s my son’s great grandfather.