Many great memories.
-Fire Escape Is Missing.....
-Loved that school.
-Love this picture
-And also the swings jack lol
-Yup.... Patricia.....
-My wife's first teaching position was in that school. Evelyn passed away May 17, 2015.
-I went there. Sad it had to be torn down.
-There was an oak tree on the grounds. Miss Lindsay taught us to add and subtract using acorn caps.
-Lovely memory. Miss Stull took us around the school yard and taught us to idendify the trees.
-got to practice teach there for one week in 1966 with Miss Stull's class...
-Liked that school and was sorry to see it demolished.
-I cannot picture where this is...where was this lovely old building that Georgetown tore down?
-broke my nose on that hill lol...was such a fun hill in both winter and summer!!
-Chapel st...behind St Johns United Church (old ambulance building)
-I had Miss Stull. Loved her. She used to have bake sales and Mum would send me with two home made pies. Miss Stull would pick me up as I walked to school with them and buy them before they ever got to the sale. Haha.
-Wonderful memories of Chapel Street! Would have liked to have the opportunity to revisit those days in the school yard!
-so this was behind the old arena? that hill leads to guelph street?
-Sorry have to say i love this picture. Used to go tobogganing there all the time
-I have great memories of this School and still talk about the old school and how much it was a sin to tear it down
-Loved that school...should have been turned into a museum.
-Rt Behind The United Church On Guelph St
-I'd like a dollar for every time I slid down that hill.
-i went there the last 2 yrs it was open.
-I had Miss Lindsay and Miss Scott. But mostly I remember the huge old swing set
-I had Mrs Hurley, there and then @ park too.
-Aww my first school
-Remember getting "Go Go" boots for Christmas. They were awesome but getting up that hill with them on ....Wasn't !
-remember sitting on fire escape chapel street side waiting for friends to get out of school
-never attended Chapel but I know some great people that did.
-The memories
-that was the first school I went to, then off to Wrigglesworth in grade 1
-I remember going to school there miss Lindsay was my first teacher also remember sleigh riding on the hill at the back of the school
-Seems strange my life has come full circle now I live on chapel street went to school there from grade 2 to grade 8
-My teachers were:
1. Miss Hume
2. Miss Lindsay
3. Miss Scott
4. Miss Harrison
5. Miss Langan
6. Miss Stull
7. Mr. Bale (???)
8. Mr. Wrigglesworth (Principal) and
;Miss Molly Hepburn - Music