- I recognize the lady in white. Ha! That's Mum!!❤️
- The lady in white came to our house to make our twenty fifth anniversary dinner Thirty two years ago beautiful dinner lovely lady ♥️
- Third from left Mrs. Turnbull. Beside her Floria McNally ?
- I recognize yr mom Jack . I remember those days well
- Working with Jessie was so much fun!
- That is Floria McNally.
- Always a great but super busy week.
- Had many a great meal at the Legion while playing for G’town in the Bantam Tournament. Mrs. Hayes and all the ladies supplied fantastic meals for all the hockey teams from all over Ontario and the U.S.A.
- Aunt Jess worked us hard but always with humour..looked forward to it every year!
- i wonder if everyone had their hands in the pot
- The ladies did a really great job back then and we had a lot of fun at the tournament every year!
- I think different church ladies group would work under Mrs Hayes. I remember going with my mom and the Holy Cross ladies on our day upstairs st the legion. I wasn't very old but I helped set tables and clean up. Great fun!!
- I think you're right Colleen. The above ladies would be St. George's Anglican.
- I have very fond memories of those days I used to be a server it was a great way of meeting the cute boys lol
- I remember those days. Excellent meals.
- The good old days
- That was my Mom and her dear friends from St George’s Daughters of the Church.
- great picture of grandma!
- The old days Chris. Xx
- I used to be one of the servers. Great times. Omgosh so many boys to meet
- It was the best hockey tourney around & Jessie worked it for years as well as a lot of others.
- Remember the monthly luncheons st George’s church? All those pies.
- Those lunches were so good. The whole town came to them if you worked local.
- we sure did. Could hardly get in. The women worked so hard and made such valuable contribution. They were “at home non working women” then. Think that’s why it went down the road. Not enough help as everyone (women) by our generation had a job/career.
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