-Beep beep!
-“Sound Horny”
-Still use it on a regular basis. Really missed it when it was closed.
-How well i remember that road beep beep many time
-boy this lady found me up on top of here many time's
-my kids called it the honk honk bridge
-Remember the chase scene in 'To Catch an Honest Thief'?
-The “honk honk bridge”
-The old old Esquesing map shows a lake on this side.
-Legend has it that my dad was in a car that passed another "inside" the culvert bridge...
Bud Hayes - Oh this did happen I was part way in to it from the east and this girl decidedt o go thru and she did Charlie Hanna was on the other side [may be some one will ask CHARLIE TO CONFURM THIS] Ii know this is not B/S I WAS there
Don Fendley - This from Charlie: Yes I witnessed this happening. There was a small car in the culvert and a woman came down in a volkswagon came charging through. The cars did not touch each other or the wall of the culvert. She kept right on going as if nothing had happened. The guy in the other car his eyes got as big as saucers. Bud Hayes was at the other end and saw the same thing .Charlie
-Honk honkkkk
-The sign read "sound horney"
-With all the debates and arguments about what to do to make it better, the road belongs to the town. Everything above it belongs to CN. There are no pictures and not a lot of maps of before the hill for the tracks was built from the station over to what was the White Bridge. All of that was man-made.
-Lived just up the street
-i lived 2 doors up from culvert back in 60 s
-We lived at 25, 29, 31 and 20... before we moved downtown (to 29 Park Ave.) We all played in the land behind those houses between the homes and the tracks.
-Always a pet peeve when people didn't sound their horn. Had a couple of Mexican standoffs with someone who didnt sound their horn.
-it gets quite icy now after they extended the tracks they now have a run off for the water and it goes right threw the tunnel down the center and when it freezes it is brutal to walk threw
-It was too narrow for the snow plows to go through
-its just the running water when it freezes it gets really icy and slippery sidewalk plows could go threw
-My parents rented the little white house on the hill on the other side of the tunnel for a couple of years. We got used to the sound of the trains and the honking of the cars. Some great childhood memories of that time and then a move to Academy Road...a great end of town to grow up in 🤗
-I grew up in one of the houses just through the honk honk bridge! And my gramma lived in the big red house (that is now being completely ripped apart) I found the trains and shaking in my room very soothing! I miss living there so much!
-I even sounded my bicycle horn going through there.
-The honk honk bridge!!! So many memories just came back to me!!
I hope they never get rid of that!!
-every day to school
-Walked thru the tunnel many many times walking down town or to school.Notice I said WALK .When I was young in the sixties.There was no can I get a ride here or there.I walked all over this town to get to where I wanted to go. Thru all fore seasons.....Ken..
-Walked through culvert to visit my Granny Cummins. She lived in the white house up the road beside Saunders old store.
-Always remember the guys saying Honk if your Horny
-Lol lol
-use to use the tunnel to go to my in law on Ontario street
-Always called it the Horny Tunnel
-Loved driving (well being driven) through tunnel
-Jack Morrow would drive his school bus through. It fit! I do member a truck getting stuck and they had to let the air out of the tires to help get it out. We could still cross at the station in those days as another way home. Now without the tunnel, it would be a long drive to get up to Victoria and John.
-We walk that way often...
-Got chased off the top of this place many time for throwing rocks at car's. Shit did I just rat myself out. lmoa.
-The squeezie bridge.
-My parents owned red house just beside it. My first 20 years and they owned white bungalow that sits beside it on the bank on the other side of culvert. That property still in family. Lol you know who is old Georgetown just by what they call it. Great memories!
-We didn't have a railing around the sidewalk in front of the house like they do now, going around the corner.
-That's right. No railing.
-Lived right beside it for a while.
-Beep Beep
-So true
-Got busted by the cops for taking our go carts through there at 11 o clock at night :]
-I unskillfully left blue paint from my poor Dad’s 65 Pontiac’s right front fender on a stone that stuck out an exceptional distance when driving through. 😩
-Was a nail biter going through there :]
-Cars are smaller now!].🤣
-Beeeeep, Beeep.
-My first memory of Georgetown. Walking to school on Chapel Street
-Still looks scary to drive though. I miss the terror on my mother’s face driving through that in a giant crysler Córdoba lol
-Honk honk bridge
-beep beep
-brings back great memories
-I recall driving through the beep beep tunnel in my family's 1961 Chev and hearing the loudest noise. I was sure I hit the wall until I realized it was a train passing above.
-Lived on Dayfoot at Mill, would hear the car horns when passing through the tunnel.
-I lived right beside it thru the tunnel. The trains and honking at first drove me nuts but eventually got used to it lol
-“Sound Horny”
-Still use it on a regular basis. Really missed it when it was closed.
-How well i remember that road beep beep many time
-boy this lady found me up on top of here many time's
-my kids called it the honk honk bridge
-Remember the chase scene in 'To Catch an Honest Thief'?
-The “honk honk bridge”
-The old old Esquesing map shows a lake on this side.
-Legend has it that my dad was in a car that passed another "inside" the culvert bridge...
Bud Hayes - Oh this did happen I was part way in to it from the east and this girl decidedt o go thru and she did Charlie Hanna was on the other side [may be some one will ask CHARLIE TO CONFURM THIS] Ii know this is not B/S I WAS there
Don Fendley - This from Charlie: Yes I witnessed this happening. There was a small car in the culvert and a woman came down in a volkswagon came charging through. The cars did not touch each other or the wall of the culvert. She kept right on going as if nothing had happened. The guy in the other car his eyes got as big as saucers. Bud Hayes was at the other end and saw the same thing .Charlie
-Honk honkkkk
-The sign read "sound horney"
-With all the debates and arguments about what to do to make it better, the road belongs to the town. Everything above it belongs to CN. There are no pictures and not a lot of maps of before the hill for the tracks was built from the station over to what was the White Bridge. All of that was man-made.
-Lived just up the street
-i lived 2 doors up from culvert back in 60 s
-We lived at 25, 29, 31 and 20... before we moved downtown (to 29 Park Ave.) We all played in the land behind those houses between the homes and the tracks.
-Always a pet peeve when people didn't sound their horn. Had a couple of Mexican standoffs with someone who didnt sound their horn.
-it gets quite icy now after they extended the tracks they now have a run off for the water and it goes right threw the tunnel down the center and when it freezes it is brutal to walk threw
-It was too narrow for the snow plows to go through
-its just the running water when it freezes it gets really icy and slippery sidewalk plows could go threw
-My parents rented the little white house on the hill on the other side of the tunnel for a couple of years. We got used to the sound of the trains and the honking of the cars. Some great childhood memories of that time and then a move to Academy Road...a great end of town to grow up in 🤗
-I grew up in one of the houses just through the honk honk bridge! And my gramma lived in the big red house (that is now being completely ripped apart) I found the trains and shaking in my room very soothing! I miss living there so much!
-I even sounded my bicycle horn going through there.
-The honk honk bridge!!! So many memories just came back to me!!
I hope they never get rid of that!!
-every day to school
-Walked thru the tunnel many many times walking down town or to school.Notice I said WALK .When I was young in the sixties.There was no can I get a ride here or there.I walked all over this town to get to where I wanted to go. Thru all fore seasons.....Ken..
-Walked through culvert to visit my Granny Cummins. She lived in the white house up the road beside Saunders old store.
-Always remember the guys saying Honk if your Horny
-Lol lol
-use to use the tunnel to go to my in law on Ontario street
-Always called it the Horny Tunnel
-Loved driving (well being driven) through tunnel
-Jack Morrow would drive his school bus through. It fit! I do member a truck getting stuck and they had to let the air out of the tires to help get it out. We could still cross at the station in those days as another way home. Now without the tunnel, it would be a long drive to get up to Victoria and John.
-We walk that way often...
-Got chased off the top of this place many time for throwing rocks at car's. Shit did I just rat myself out. lmoa.
-The squeezie bridge.
-My parents owned red house just beside it. My first 20 years and they owned white bungalow that sits beside it on the bank on the other side of culvert. That property still in family. Lol you know who is old Georgetown just by what they call it. Great memories!
-We didn't have a railing around the sidewalk in front of the house like they do now, going around the corner.
-That's right. No railing.
-Lived right beside it for a while.
-Beep Beep
-So true
-Got busted by the cops for taking our go carts through there at 11 o clock at night :]
-I unskillfully left blue paint from my poor Dad’s 65 Pontiac’s right front fender on a stone that stuck out an exceptional distance when driving through. 😩
-Was a nail biter going through there :]
-Cars are smaller now!].🤣
-Beeeeep, Beeep.
-My first memory of Georgetown. Walking to school on Chapel Street
-Still looks scary to drive though. I miss the terror on my mother’s face driving through that in a giant crysler Córdoba lol
-Honk honk bridge
-beep beep
-brings back great memories
-I recall driving through the beep beep tunnel in my family's 1961 Chev and hearing the loudest noise. I was sure I hit the wall until I realized it was a train passing above.
-Lived on Dayfoot at Mill, would hear the car horns when passing through the tunnel.
-I lived right beside it thru the tunnel. The trains and honking at first drove me nuts but eventually got used to it lol